Market Research for Apostolates

Better serve your people

Make strategic investments to know and understand your stakeholders

Apostolates typically have three primary groups of interest: the groups they serve, the people "on the ground" who serve these groups, and those who support them financially.

Communication and even the work of your apostolate can easily become fractured and ineffective without a good understanding of your different stakeholders. Expert market research can help you better understand each group to make your efforts more fruitful.

Apostolate Challenges

Raise Money. You cannot continue to serve if you do not have the funds. A core piece of your apostolate is convincing people to give financial support.

Serve Your People. You have to make a lasting impact on the people you serve, whether your apostolate provides physical aid or conducts missionary or evangelical work.

Maintain Your Team. You have to recruit people to serve, whether administratively or on the ground, and you need to provide them with the support they need.

Apostolate Solutions

We begin by identifying your challenges, understanding your goals, and defining your target audiences. Perhaps you want to determine donor behaviors and motivators, measure the effectiveness or program and initiatives, or even propose solutions for team challenges.

Whether you want to better understand one or all your stakeholder groups, Vinea takes a customized, organized, multi-level approach to your market research.


Source Database

Vinea can conduct internal and external research. We study existing stakeholders by accessing your member databases.

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Conduct Research

We leverage quantitative and qualitative research methods and sophisticated analytics to understand each stakeholder group.


Reach Stakeholders

We'll identify patterns, correlations, and insights and make recommendations to help you better engage your stakeholders.


Sample questions we can help answer:

How are we performing? What could we be doing better?

What kind of impact are we having on the community?

Do donors have a good sense of what we are doing? How is this affecting people in a positive way?

What ideas do people have that we should be pursuing, but are not because we are unaware of them?


Why do donors give? What motivates donors to give specifically to our organization? How can this information be used to ensure future gifts?

Ensuring Long-Term Success

 Vinea Research can work with you to study questions over time through a tracking study. Not only can we measure how much progress is being made toward improvement, but we can use the data to recommend changes that could be implemented to expedite more progress.

A tracking study can identify emerging opportunities for your apostolate to grow and increase donations. It also can give your organization a good measurement of trends and the ability to predict program success in various communities and contexts.

Finally, the use of professional marketing techniques based on market research can add credibility to your efforts. This can be a persuasive talking point in making your appeal to potential and current benefactors.